Category Archives: Rancho Relaxo

Pics from the party

Right now I’m sitting in the cockpit in front of the Radialsystem in the middle of Berlin. We had a wonderful weekend although of course it was very dreadful to see so many friends for the last time for many years.

And as we were busy talking to all those nice people the whole evening, we did somehow forget to shoot pictures. So PLEEEEASE, if you have some nice pictures of last night. – Please send them to us.Thank you.

And thank you all for coming and for the wonderful evening – for sure it will be unforgettable for us.

And how will it continue ? Well. First of all, we’ll sail back to the Marina Lanke and I will do some additional repairs. The start towards the Baltic sea will probably be on thursday. Yay !!!

Posted in Berlin, LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 3 Comments

Moving in

And not that I’m connected to the Internet – I’ll use some more minutes to post pics from yesterday when I was moving aboard. Today the look is already completely different as I’ve managed to store pretty much everything.

And here two last pics from my battery-tank. Yesterday, Andreas arrived and put the cables in place. Now we’re connected with 400Ah of AGM batteries. Yay !!

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Farewell party 5/28/2011

Last minute Details for our farewell party:

We’ll be travelling with the Rancho Relaxo to the city center and hope to arrive at the Radialsystem at around 14h on Saturday afternoon.
The PARTY will start around 15h in the YAAM !! But as there will be a concert in the evening, we’ll relocate around 19h to the RADIALSYSTEM where our ship is and we’ll stay there and drink lots of beers. I hope you’re all coming ! You can find a detailed map here !

Posted in Berlin, Kids, LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

Ready to move aboard

I don’t have much time to post new stories and pic these days. But the ship is pretty much ready to move in. Everything is in it’s place, water and electicity works and I managd to store all the tools and parts, paint and whatelse…

Today we’re moving our remaining stuff. Which means a couple of boxes with kitchen stuff, books, clothes that go to Austria and all the leftovers will be subject to a little ‘garden sale’ that will start NOW.

I’ll move aboard on monday evening, the family will probably follow on wednesday – they can stay another few days with our neighbours. Pics will follow…

On popular demand: Yes, our party will be on the 28th of May ! If it’s the Yaam, we still don’t know – we don’t have time to manage our farewell right now – but there WILL be a party.

Posted in Berlin, LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo | 1 Comment

New batteries and water faucets

Today we put the new waterhoses for drinking water, fresh water and salt water underneath the saloon floor. We also installed new water faucets in the galley and connected the new head to the saltwater inlet. There are a few pieces missing but the water installation is 90% complete (not counting the watermaker, that’s another project saved for later).

The first picture shows the top of the batteries with the 300A fuse right on top of it. That’s to get sure nothing bad happens, should the wires somehow break and shortcut. – In the end, all the batteries are in one big metal box. As you can see in the last two pics. – Actually you can’t because all the lead is inside the tank and covered with my wooden ‘boxes’ that hold the batteries in place. Now the only todo left is to connect everything together…

Tomorrow I’ll be in the office to get my tax files in order and sort out other boring paper stuff….

Posted in Pics, Projects, Rancho Relaxo, Work | Comments Off

Getting rid of the water tank

As I said, yesterday Wolfgang and me were removing the water tank. To cut it short: We succeeded !! Here is the water tank that was hidden under the saloon bench. We cut it open to see where it is bolted to the ship. The pictures were taken after about 2-3 hours of work:

We also had to cut the inlets and remove the rest of the saloon bench to get access to all sections where the tank was fixed to the hull. After about 7 hours of work the tank was removed. Yay !!

…and one hour later, the saloon looked like this:

Posted in Pics, Projects, Rancho Relaxo, Work | Comments Off

Hoses poposes

This week I have help from Wolfgang and the two of us have managed to strip all water hoses from the Rancho Relaxo:

And in the morning while I was with the tax accountant, Wolfgang managed to remove the old potty and replace it with the new Jabsco. He also removed the faucet in the bathroom and put the new Whale pump-faucet in the galley. This one will pump the drinking water from the little holding tank. The big old galley-faucet was also removed but as I forgot to order the replacement, I’ll have to go shopping tomorrow. – But we’ll need 30m of new water hoses anyway. In the meantime we’ve managed to once again make a big mess on board – but there’s no other way. Tomorrow when we’ll try to remove the smaller of the two water tanks the chaos will be even bigger ! (Yeah, and I’ll post pictures – be sure of that. ;-)

Posted in Pics, Projects, Rancho Relaxo, Work | 2 Comments

First results

The second week is gone…. A short week thanks to the visit in Austria and that stupid crash. But still I managed to finish a few things. The old chart plotter was ‘exchanged’ for a Raymarin via Ebay and last week I already did all the cabeling (what a mess !). Now it’s mounted and running. Looks actually quite good there – under the sprayhood. Now the only thing missing is the connection to the radar. But that is still waiting for the cable. Also missing is the Tridata which will be a  VDO (veeeery nice !). The sensors are already in place and so are all the cables. When everything is working, it will be interconnected via the AMAZING NMEA/Seatalk/RS232 converter which will deliver all data also to my board PC. – I’ll post pics as soon as that’s finished.

What else… Well the cabeling in the engine room is pretty much finished. The only things missing are the alternator and the charger for the wind generator which both will happen next week. In the meantime I activated the battery and tank display. The big red key is for the 2kW inverter – so it doesn’t empty our batteries when it’s idling…

Speaking of batteries: The old Diesel-tank is now storing energy in the form of batteries. Hehehe. Yeah. THAT’s a statement ! Four pieces of 100Ah AGM-batteries will end up in the tank. Which is perfect for the weight (deep down) and the tank ensures that the batteries are in a watertight box. – How convenient !

Also new: the two 100W – solar panels are active. I’m very happy with the way they are mounted but I’m nervous about the first locks. Hopefully I will not ruin them… Ah, and as you can see, Gui put the ship’s name on the sides. I think it looks quite good !

Also I brought a car load of new stuff to the ship. Next week the main focus will be on the water installation. I’ll replace all faucets and the electric pump will be replaced by a foot pump. The smaller of the two water tanks has to make room for the watermaker. But I don’t think, I’ll install it next week. This is probably something for underway.

Posted in Pics, Projects, Rancho Relaxo, Work | Comments Off

New gadget: LunaWLANnet

Today the newest gadget arrived: The famous LunaWLANnet. So what’s that ? It a gigantic WLAN antenna to be mounted on the top of the mast. It will give us access to the internet whenever there is a marina or hotel with wlan nearby. I just ordered it a few days ago and was amazed when today it arrived in a huge box… The thing is 1.2m long !!
So I unpacked the gigantic antenna and put it out in the garden. Connected the 20m network cable and went inside to connect the power adapter and connect the LAN cable to the computer. The cable that goes to the antenna also delivers the power for the antenna using PoE. So there’s no need for another power cable to put into the mast. VERY convenient !
After all was setup, I open the webbrowser and go to the website of the LunaWLANnet to select the WiFi network of my choice. Done. After three minutes I was online. And most of those three minutes I spent searching for my own network – the list of available access points is amazing in our neighborhood.

Here’s a pic of our new gadget. Our old-school telephone is just for size comparision. Go to lunatronic to get your own antenna.

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Construction works…

My second day after work means my second day doing renovations on the Rancho Relaxo. The whole ship is a huuuuuuge mess !!

But in the end it’s going somewhere. With professional help the engine room was completely re-wired and is starting to look really good ! I was cutting and pulling out old cables and so I managed to remove about 20kg of unused copper all over the ship. Today I started re-wiring the navigational gear and radios, tomorrow I’ll try to connect the new chart plotter and get it to talk to the radome antenna. If there’s enough time, I’ll also start wiring the shortwave-equipment. I’ll keep you posted.

Posted in Pics, Projects, Rancho Relaxo | 1 Comment

The search for an ideal party location

Just 32 more days and still no idea, where and how we’ll say goodbye to our friends. But we’ll just use this easter monday to inspect some of the old wastelands along the river Spree. These locations have had us a lot of times – a few years back. Nowadays Kiki Blofeld, Bar25, etc. are mostly gone. Here they’re trying to build ‘lofts‘ and ‘premium class city appartments‘ for all those media companies that still thrive in Berlin Mitte.

So we mostly end up in front of barricades and wire fences but – hey ! There is one place still going: The Yaam ! And this locations seems nearly too perfect: wonderful relaxed atmosphere, african Music, playground for the kids, cocktails and drinks for the grown-ups, sandy ‘beach’ – and it’s located at the waterfront ! We ask one of the people working here and he sees no problem with our plans. Just sent an email to the one managing all the events and now we’re waiting and hoping. But the date is still set: 28th of May 2011. Mark it red in your calendar !

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So – what are we doing ?

Huh ! Only 36 days left and time is running fast. I think that’s time for a little update on what’s happening with the preparations. But where to begin ? Too many things are going on and it’s hard to stay focused.

The appartment is rented and we’ll have to move out in about 30 days. Next week I’ll be doing my last four days in the office. It’s gonna be hard to give up what we’ve been creating over the last eight years but in the end the company is in very good hands – and – finally I’ll have time to concentrate on all the work to be done on the ship. And there is a LOT of work ! From 2. to 3. of May I’ll be working on the electrics and doing most of the cabeling of the engine and the different power supplies anew and next to follow will probably be a new head, new water pumps and hoses and integrating all the new and additional navigational aids and other electronic gadgets.

In the meantime I’m reading an immense amount of books of all kinds (medicine, food, provisioning, electronics) but also stories of sailors (Cook, John C. Voss, the Shinas family…). When there is a quiet hour I’m learning for the amateur radio exam which will be at the end of May. And every other week we’re seeing the doctor to get all our vaccinations needed for a long time trip through the tropics (Yellow fewer, Hepatitis, Typhus, Rabies…) – and Gui was loosing her wisdom teeth (yeah, all four of them !).

In the mean time we’re selling most of our remaining belongings. Other stuff, we cannot give away gets packed into boxes and is moved to my famlily in Austria. But there are many more loose ends: We still didn’t find a suitable place for our farewell party – which will be on the 28ht of May. Yes, at least the date is set ! Hehehe.

I’ll post updates as soon as some of those projects are worth more documentation. But right now there’s not enough time to document all what’s happening. But that should change soon (I hope).

Happy Easter !!

Posted in LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo | 3 Comments

Back in her element again

After an unusually cold Winter on the outside and having survived the catastrophic fire in the shipyard, today the Rancho Relaxo of the Seas got back into her element ! Yay !!

The process was quite unspectacular despite bringing the crane to its limits – our ship is actually a little too heavy for that 10t crane but it got into the water without problems. Also we replaced the old rusty anchor chain with a new, whopping 70 meters of 10mm chain. That thing actually weights 170 kilos ! On one pic you can see the nice antifoulding job we did, together with the new sacrificial anodes and the shiny prop. (After brushing it for approx. 1 hour.)

A (quite boring) video of the craning will follow…

Posted in Berlin, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | Comments Off

Anti-foul ! – Part two.

Another time laps video. This weekend Wolfgang and me were doing the new anti-fouling. Before that there were a few little scratches to take care of but in general the hull is in really good condition.

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Anti-foul !!

Mmmmh. Every boat owner likes it ! Doing anti-fouling once a year. This saturday we spent scraping the old paint from last season off the hull. Niiiiiice work ! Here’s a stop motion video done with our new Go-Pro cam: (to be continued)

Posted in Berlin, LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing, Video | 1 Comment

In the news…

The weekend edition of the german newspapers ‘Die Welt‘ and ‘Berliner Morgenpost‘ both featured (a quite similar) article about the LosLocos and the planned journey that should start this summer.

A really nice article – unfortunately only in German. But here it is anyway:

Artikel der Berliner Morgenpost als PDF

Posted in Berlin, News, Pics, Press, Rancho Relaxo | 1 Comment

Relaxo: Rancho R. is fine !

Our good friend Michael had time to travel out of Berlin to the Marina Lanke to look for our ship. And there she is, the Rancho Relaxo. Just a couple of meters away from the burned-out buildings, but without a scratch.

And thanks to the fortunate wind, there doesn’t even seem to be any dirt from the fire on the ship. I guess, this time we’ve been really lucky !

Posted in Berlin, Pics, Rancho Relaxo | Comments Off

Rancho Relaxo on fire ?!?

Just received horrible news via Email: It seems that there was a catastrophic fire in the shipyard where the Rancho Relaxo currently resides. I do not have much information but it seems that one of the main halls has burned down and so have the ships being inside.

Here are some pics, I found on the internets Pics are made by Andreas Meyer, (C) Berliner Tagesspiegel:

Pics deleted on Request of Mr. Meyer.

The Berliner Morgenpost also has a short Video of the fire:

Update: And a couple of more pictures, found on the webpage of the RBB. As one can see the ship in font of ours as well as the big crane at the waterside, I guess, the Rancho Relaxo is safe. Uff !

Posted in Berlin, News, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing, Video | 1 Comment

Sailing during the wintertime

So what am I supposed to write about when Berlin is like frozen hell, lakes are covered with ice and the air is -18C ?

Well, we’re still doing preparations. I’m on the way of getting my Amateur Radio License and when I’m not reading sailing books, I try to improve the webpage or we’re doing journey planning. Speaking of. Here’s a temporary link to our planned route. Later on I’ll link the finished page somewhere on the top of our site here. Beware: all dates and coordinates are still subject to change and of course, everything more than one year ahead is pure speculation… And as I’ve said before: Maybe we don’t have the guts to sail through the Gulf of Biscay, we’re back in Berlin before the year ends… ;-)

Oh and btw: A happy new year to all readers !

Posted in Berlin, Links, LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Travel | Comments Off

On to the Wannsee

On Saturday we finally said ciao to our friendly neighbours at the local sailing club of the Wannseeaten 1911 and went for a two hour trip through Spandau to the Wannsee in the south west of Berlin. Here our Rancho Relaxo of the Seas will stay on land during the winter.

The trip was short and without any events – it’s actually just around 3-4 miles, with one lock underway. The best part was after arrival at the Marina Lanke, sitting in the cockpit with candle light and Rum while listening to Robert’s crazy stories about trips with his Alpha or tall ships going through the North Sea and the Atlantic. Whew !! I wish, we could have sit there the whole night. But in the end it was getting a little chilly…


Ah ! – And to settle a bet: Kevin Costner’s ship in Waterworld was a Trimaran. Sorry, Wolfgang. ;-)

Trimaran from Waterworld

Posted in Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing, Travel | 2 Comments