Category Archives: Pics

Bruno beim Fruehstueck

Fuer alle die’s noch nicht wissen:  Bruno steht auf Ur-Oma’s Hollermarmelade und auch auf Milchschaum. Leteres gerade, weil man so schoen die Haende reinstecken kann und danach den Tisch bemalen. Naja. Zumindest den Teil, der dann noch nicht voll mit Marmelade ist.  Auf jeden Fall ziemlich erstaunlich, wie er nicht nur aus dem mini-Haeferl, sonder auch aus der Schuessel trinkt ! Haben sie bitte Spass:  

Bruno beim Fruehstueck
Posted in It's funny ! Laugh !, LosLocos, Pics | Comments Off

9 simple activities to help overcome depression !

Gefunden, beim lesen alter Slashdot Geschichten.

Original stuff from Ben Claassen III

9 simple activities to help overcome depression !

Posted in Found, It's funny ! Laugh !, Links, Net, Pics | Comments Off

A weekend of Peng!, Vulcan Venture and Scramble

Friday night I got the new controls (buttons, joysticks, etc.) for my Arcade cabinet. And just in time – thanks to the really nice owner of !!
I didn’t yet build the new wood panel for the control panel, so I used some old piece of art(1), I found in our cellar and tried my first layout of joysticks and buttons to give it a little testrun. The panel doesn’t really fit right – as I cut it in quite a hurry, but it made the first really cold weekend a nice one. And playing with two joysticks can be quite some fun (Tala and Gui would agree, I guess).

Mame Cab - first prototype setup with temporary control panel

1) I can’t find a picture of it right now, but it had a huge white ’6′ painted on it. People from Berlin will now what I mean…

Posted in It's funny ! Laugh !, LosLocos, Mame, Pics | Comments Off

Mame News: First milestone achieved !!

After a weekend of working on (and mostly in) my new and shiny (actually old and still pretty dirty) Zaccaria cab, I finally played some first games on the prototype setup.The PC components running Linux and AdvanceMame are installed and the arcade monitor was (for the time !) replaced by an old Iiyama CRT. I removed most of the inner parts and disassembled the control panel. The new parts – mostly buttons annd two new joysticks still haven’t arrived yet. But tomorrow, I think, I will start with the layout, while Gui finishes the restoration and new arrangement of the grafics on the control panel.Some pics from my weekend experience:

Zaccaria arcade cabinet, backsideCoin operated (but not working… yet !)Hmmmm. Where do I get those ?Taking apart the old control panel

The control panel without the moving partsFirst game must be a classic…. Asteroids !!Working prototype

Posted in Linux, Mame, Pics | 5 Comments

My arcade cab got delivered today !!

After searching for sooo long and a final waiting period of a seemingly endless week, today my arcade cab got delivered. It’s quite dirty and I didn’t even have time to try and start it yet. I’ll post another update in the evening or tomorrow with more details.

Here are the first photos:

arcade cab 1arcade cab 2arcade cab 3

Posted in Mame, Pics | Comments Off

Project started: Mame

After searching the Intarweb for nearly two months I finally decided to buy an old Zaccaria cab. The plan is to put in two new joysticks and lots of buttons, a cheap pc system that can boot off an usb stick, and maybe an iPaq. I’m gonna order the parts right now and hopefully I can start working on the project next weekend. Yay !! Cold winter nights, I’m happily waiting for you !

Zaccaria CabZaccaria Cab - side viewZaccaria Cab - side view 2

Posted in It's funny ! Laugh !, LosLocos, Mame, Pics | Comments Off

we did it again !

David and I worked hard, and now we are waiting for Bruno´s little sister … or brother ? The little astronaut  is about 8, 6 cm long and we have a supposed date of birth for the 24th of April. Just before summer… We are already planning family vacations in an all inclusive resort, new car and a nice quite place in the countryside to live in. No, no, everything is the same, only that it´s gonna be double the fun with another Bruno running and playing around here…


Posted in LosLocos, Pics | Comments Off

Pictures from the sailingtrip in Croatia

Uploaded a bunch of pics from our great sailingtrip in Croatia. Hava a look -> here

What else to say ? Well. The weather was amazing, the food was plenty, we had really nice wind, lots of fun and I promise to be back there soon !

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Posted in Freedom, Pics | Comments Off

New pictures of Bruno…. Lots of them !

Bruno is growing fast and so is the amount of pictures in his gallery. Have a look !

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Posted in LosLocos, Pics | Comments Off

Best 404-page ever !

I don’t remember where I found this. But it’s one of the most funny 404 pages up on the net. I like it especially for it’s subtleness. I really had to look twice.

Peugeot 404

Posted in It's funny ! Laugh !, Net, Pics | Comments Off

Gallery update auf Version 2

…und auch gleich das WordPress Plugin (WPG2) installiert. Nun mal ein wenig testen, wie das so laeuft. Das Widget fuer die sidebar vermisse ich bisher noch. Wo ist es nur ?

Etwas zu klein geraten, die embedded Gallery, was ?

gallery, embedded

Dann muss wohl diese Spalte etwas breiter gemacht werden.  — Aber heute nicht mehr.

Posted in Net, Pics | 1 Comment

Stupid Helpdesk

Mal sehen wie ein Posting mit einem kleinen Bild aussieht.

Wie gross. – Wie, wenn man draufklickt ?

Helpdesk Warning

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