Category Archives: Pics

Yeeeah !! Brighton !

After two months of cruising through autumn and winter – we finally found the summer ! It has hidden out in the south of England, it seems. So we’ve arrived here in one of England’s biggest marinas yesterday at 3 o’clock in the morning. We were quite surprised to find the sun shining into our bedroom in the morning. What an unusual sight ! We haven’t felt her warm nice rays for soo long.

Well we came here for two reasons. First: Bruno and Viola want to visit Lola and Darcey and we want to see their mother Nina. Second: Tomorrow we’ll pick up Michael to come with us for one week along Englands south coast. So hopefully the weather will last for a few days…

Ah. And while cruising to Brighton we crossed the meridian of Greenwitch which means, we are now in The West. And also we made our first 1000 nautical miles. 1050 now since we left Berlin to be precise.

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Crossed the channel !

Yesterday the time has come and we finally crossed over The Channel towards England. So now we’re in Dover and already planning to leave as we we’d like to spend the next days in Brighton.

The crossing was quite uneventful and the traffic not that much I think it was more near Cuxhaven, at the exit of the NOK. In Dover we parked the Rancho Relaxo in the Granville Docks and soon after found ourselves in a really nice Pub drinking a pint of Guinnes, eating chips and burgers and enjoying ourselves.

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

In Bruges

Today we used for a little excursion via bike. – And I CAN tell you: in Bruges it’s really as nice as people always say. Yes. Although the hordes of tourists and myriads of shops make it feel a little stressful after all those days out on the sea (ha, ha). But THE FOOD ! Waaaah ! Mussels in Beer sauce and Mousse de chocolate and Beer and Wind and…. Uuuuh ! I think I’d like to stay.

Also we should use the beach-tramway for a trip along the coast. It goes all the way from the Netherlands down to France and connects all those cities along the sea. For only 5 Euros one can go and hop on and off as one likes.  – Could – as we will actually put to sea again tomorrow. It will be the last day with a suitable wind and we want to use it for our leg towards Dunkerque in France. From there we’ll cross towards England. An although the trip will be short – roughly 35 seamiles – plenty of shallows and the tide will make it interesting enough.

Also we’ll use the stopover in France to replentish our stores with beautiful french wine, cheese and lots of other goodies. You know – we’ll soon enter the culinary desert and although I’ll survive on Guinnes and baked beans, my family has to bring something so stay alive. Hehehe.

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From Netherlands to Belgium

Yesterday we had our most beautiful and by far the fastest trip so far. Going from Scheveningen in the Netherlands to Blankenberge in Belgium, we had a good force 4 to 6 from northwest and could run a beam reach course (does one wright it that way ?) towards our destination. The trip was a total of 70 miles and crossed some of the major shipping lanes towards Hoek van Holland, Rotterdam and Vlissingen. This and the waves that at some stages got quite biog made it interesting, and althought it’s still quite cold here, the sun was actually showing she’s still there somewhere… I was writing we were going fast and yes, we were – at least for our own mesasurements. Which means the current and the wind were pusing our twelve ton Rancho Relaxo with a good 8 knots forward. That’s feeling like flying. Hehehe. Everyone with a modern, light yacht is probably laughing his ass of right now.

When leaving Scheveningen, the customs and immigration came for a visit, both in cool frog-men like outfits and very friendly looked our papers and around the ship and soon after were off with their powerboat and roughly five times our speed. Hehehe.

The approach towards Zeebruegge and Blankenberge (which are quite close to each other) was a little frightening as both cities look AWFULLY when viewed from sea (pic below). But the 80ies style concrete nightmare that’s to be seen from sea is actually hiding some nice housings behind and the marina is crowded but quite nice. We’ve got free rental bikes and one can shower as long as one likes. – Ah, and Bruno wrote a menue plan for us. :-)

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I want more !

Yeah baby… rock ‘n roll ! After having encountered our first storm at sea i will write my first posting to say that with the bravest captain in the world and such a  great ship … there’s nothing to fear.

And I have to confirm what I so often read in other sailors tales, that even though when in the middle of it I was wishing for a Deus Ex Machina to come and get me out of there (NOW!) … after all it was a cool ride. I want more.

The best of it: at the end getting to port and, completely soak and ice cold, use your last strength to mooring the boat, get out of that sticky foul weather gear and finding a last pair of clean dry socks. Ahhhh. Enjoy a beer in the cockpit, look at each other with proud and relief and just go-have-a-good-sleep.

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Pics from Cuxhaven to Borkum are in the Gallery

Just uploaded a bunch of new pics to our Gallery. Enjoy.

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Solution to our Picture riddle

…a dredger of course !

And now we must leave the harbour – they wanna work at our pier. We’ll make a second try towards west….

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Picture riddle

What sea going vessel can be seen in this picture ? Tipp: Try to clean your screen if you can’t see anything. Hehehehe

Solution will be posted tomorrow.

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Beginners mistakes

I think it was in the blog of the Spica that that I wrote something like our own story: After waiting a week for the right weather, they put to sea and tried to go westward. The habourmaster didn’t say good trip but ‘see you later’. And they were back, like six hours later… ;-)

Well we tried our luck yesterday and made 25sm to the west but after really heavy thunderstorms and a really rough sea we went back to Borkum. “But didn’t you say you wanted to go through the channels, inland ?” Yes, we did. But we decided otherwise, because: Motoring through the channels is reeeeealy boring. And the way through the channels takes a lot of time. So we’ll wait another day or two and try our luck again in the North sea.

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 2 Comments

An interesting Trip to Borkum

In the end, the four days of waiting in Cuxhaven we could have gone to Holland. We *were* waiting for better weather but in the end got it quite bad…

So we started yesterday at 03:40 in the morning with the outgoing tide and had a pleasent sail with about 3 Bft. and were gliding out into the North sea. The sailing was perfect, the weather quite nice and the wind increased to a perfect 4-5  Bft. from the right direction. The kids are happy, the sindvane does it’s job.

But there’s something wrong. We’re in the North sea after all… What is it ? Ah, there….

The air pressure is going waaaaay down. From 1013Hpa to 996Hpa (!!!) But the next harbour for us is Borkum and we’re actually really good underway. So we slide past the Islands Norderney and Juist, the wind is increasing to force 6 and we’re sailing with the second reef. Finally we’re closing in on Borkum and it’s starting to rain. Wind still increasing, now force 7. What’s that ? Didn’t the weather guis talk about easy 5 Bft ?!?

We’re now sailing in the third reef up until the last 8 miles. From here we use the main sail and engine. The Rancho Relaxo is bouncing up and down the waves while the Kids are downstairs and reading (Bruno) or painging (Viola). Gui and me are trying to find our way through the dark. The spray fills the air and the water is now more white than black. I have no idea how strong the wind is but it’s rock’n'roll. And the waves are huge  – despite the land being quite near. At midnight we enter the safe harbour Borkum and fall into the beds.

But now I have to finish my breakfast. We want to go up the river Ems with the ingoing tide. To go through the inland channels towards Amsterdam.

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 2 Comments

Plenty of new pictures

As we’re stuck in Cuxhaven for the monent, we use the time and the expensive WLAN connection to upload all those pics from the Baltic sea. Everything from the trip through Berlin towards our farewell party to Ruegen, Flensburg and the channel is to be found in the pictures section (in the top menue). Have fun !!

Posted in Berlin, LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

Leaving the Baltic sea

After one month of repairs (ship and human-wise) and a little sailing we’re now leaving the Baltic sea behind us and enter the harsh North sea (tomorrow). We still hope for suitable winds to go quickly towards Amsterdam but right now it looks as if we would have wind in the right direction but waaaay too much of it. Meaning it will start easy during Thursday but will increase towards +7Bft during Wednesday night. And 7Bft are (maybe) ok in the Baltic sea but definately not in the North sea. So we’ll watch the weather report carefully and will make a decision on Tuesday morning.

But enough talk about the weather and the future. Today we had to say goodbye to our good friend Wolfgang who had to leave for Berlin. :-( But he made this wonderful picture of us:

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Finally underway again. Ahhh ! What a great feeling.

So yesterday we started in Flensburg with enough wind to just use the main sail. But it died down quickly and we had to use the engine – while I was on the foredeck preparing our new sail, etc. But we couldn’t use it because despite a really harsh thunderstorm in the evening, we had little to no wind at all and had to sail pretty much the whole trip using the engine…

We arrived late at around 23h in Laboe where Nikola and Markus where already waiting for us. They’re planning to go on a two year trip with their beautiful ship ‘Supermolly’ sometime next year. And as they have two kids who happen to be the same age as ours, there’s a lot to talk about. AND of course we had to celebrate Gui’s birthday – that was yesterday as well.

So in an hour we’ll leave Laboe again to go through the NOK and into the North sea. We should arrive until Thursday midday as this is the time when the wind will change to NE – and that’s a pretty rare event. We’ll see if the low pressure system really will do what we expect it to do…

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

Ready to leave (again)

Phew. One work-week in Flensburg. As you have seen, the Kids and Gui were underway in Flensburg – and after passing the exam I now had to concentrate on some work. So now we have a new wind generator mounted on a mast at the back of our ship. And the engine has new oil and new filters. We also have a new cutter-stay and a new foresail for it. Also a couple of improvements were done to the reefing system and the mast.

Well and now we’re *really* ready to leave for the north sea ! Tomorrow we’ll sail towards Kiel, together with Wolfgang. And on Sunday we’ll enter the NOK (channel connecting North sea and Baltic sea). I’ll do updates as we get along but now I have to concentrate on more important things (after-work beer !) Yay !!

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One week in Flensburg

Just a collection of pictures made during the last week here in Flensburg. More info in the next post.

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Finally underway

And what a beautiful sail we had. – Actually that’s a lie as we didn’t sail at all. There was NO WIND at all – so we drove the whole trip using our trusty old Mercedes Diesel. But despite that nuisance: I LOVE sailing through the night. The nights at sea are so magic. The sky is astonishing with it’s many stars and one has plenty of time to think, read, play with the chartplotter… ;-)

We startet at around 13h in the afternoon as we had a little problem starting the motor – which was actually an alectrical problem that was soon fixed. We passed Cup Arkona with it’s Chalk coast and it’s beautiful lighthouse. Going along the north coast of Ruegen, Gui was at the steering wheel and I went for a nap in the afternoon to take the steering at around 23h in the night. So while the crew was asleep and the radar and AIS were watching for traffic, I was finishing ‘A sea vagabond’s world’ by Bernard Moitessier. It’s a good book but it actually repeats a lot of stuff from earlier works. Well… still worth reading.

We arrived at around 07h in the morning at Grossenbrode Faehre – a lovely, small harbour where we surprised Dieter and Silke who also started their circumnavigation and are here to take a break before they’ll leave tomorrow. I sure hope that we’ll meet the crew of the SY Tamora again on our route – which is more than likely.

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Ready to leave

Today the west wind gives a break and we’ll use the calmity to leave Glowe and the island of Ruegen after a stay of two weeks. We’ll try to get to Gedser (Denmark) from where we will hopefully have a good start towards Flensburg, where we would like to go Monday/Tuesday.

Compared to our planned route we’re a bit delayed but that is of no concern. We’ve used the additional time here in Ruegen to improve and repair things on the Rancho Relaxo of the Seas and despite the harsh weather (and Gui’s hospital stay) we had a really good time here.

Ah ! – And for the first time we’ve met another austrian Vessel. You can see it parked belong ours in the photo.

Posted in Freedom, Kids, LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 3 Comments

No sailing…. Climbing trees

Whew. What a night. We should already getting used but still – it’s unnerving when the wind is shaking the boat violently all night. And the sound of a hundered lines and wires made singing because of the wind gusts…. Very romantic during the first night or so… but in the end a little – well – unnerving.

Anyway. Another day of excitement on Ruegen. This time: David learning for his radio exam (as usual) and Gui + Kids going…. ta-daa: to the climbing forest. Dunno what it’s actually called in english but you’ll see on the pics anyway. It must have been quite exhausting since Bruno is lying here beside me and sleeping while I’m writing this.

And guess what: Yes, the wind is already singing again… We have ~6Bft here in the harbour and there’s no sing of the strong westerly being disrupted anytime soon. We’d need a day or two of a different direction to go towards Flensburg…. But we’ll see. Maybe monday ?

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Visit to the farm

As we still are not ‘allowed’ to go sailing we spend the time discovering the little feats of Ruegen. Yesterday Gui, Bruno and Viola were at a local farmhouse that has many little animals. – And we all know: Kids LOVE animals. Even more if they are small, fluffy and cuddly.

Oh  – and where was I ? I spent the time on the boat learning for the Amateur Radio License. The exam is on 4th of July in Berlin. *rrr*

Posted in Animals, Kids, LosLocos, Pics | 3 Comments

Found more pics from the weekend

While downloading all the pictures from the last days, I discovered some more photos from last weekend with Victor and Anton. The kids are deconstructing the leftovers of the worlds longest sand castle. Hehehe.

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