Author Archives: dafdaf

A first atlantic contact

Our first ‘bluewater’ trip is now history and as we’ve arrived in Spain, we’re now in the midst of a completely different (sailing-) world. Suddenly there are nearly no charter yachts but plenty of quite individualistic cruising yachts. We’re surrounded with ship’s with flags from England, Ireland, France, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Germany and lots more. But actually I wanted to write about our trip through the Bay of Biscay. Well, I’ll start with a few numbers. So we sailed 525 nm in total from Brixham to La Coruña. Our daily runs were 139, 111, 120, 101 and 54 nautical miles. That gives an average speed of 4,81 knots. Yeah, we had a relaxed trip so to say. Hehe.

Under the coast of England, we crossed the field of the Fastnet Race and saw plenty of nice racing yachts. Of which most of them were underway with 3 or 4 times our speed. For the first two and a half days we had the wind from ENE and sailed butterfly (how’s that called in english ?!?) most of the time, which makes for quite a shakey cruise. The capitana was a little green around the nose and also the skipper was not always amused with the -15/+15 degrees rolling of the Rancho Relaxo. The second day our friends from the SY Tamora appear in our wake and bring with them a big group of Dolphins that stay with us for about an hour.

Having arrived in a high pressure area, at night we have a clear sky with stars all around and in a multitude I’ve never before seen. For hours I lie in the cockpit, staring around using our binoculars. But of course as it happens with high pressure – the wind vanishes and leaves us with a flat sea and a long, westerly swell that probably was sent to us by some icelandic low, faaar away. Lying at night in the bunk, it feels as if the ocean is breathing, lifting the boat up and down in an 30 second rythm.

On the third day, we get a visit from a whale about the size of our ship and shortly after from a group of Dolphins. Right after the wind is back and we sail through incredibly busy shiptraffic towards Spain, where the wind again disappears. With 1-2 Beaufort and riding along with 1.5-2 knots one is tempted to start the engine – but NO. We’ve got plenty of time and the wind will eventually come back.

In the morning a slight breeze pushes us more towards the coast where we see land at 0915 in the morning. Funny enough what we see is called ‘Cabo Prior’ – and only shortly after we find the famous Torre de Hercules on our starboard side. We’ve arrived in Spain !

After we’ve had a three-hour shower we take our folding bikes and pedal through the city in search for something nice to eat. And we find the perfect place in form of the ‘El Rey del Jamón’ where we have ‘Boccadillos de Jamón Ibérico de bellota’, queso manchego y pan con tomate y aceite and more. Gui has two ice cold beers and I two glasses of red wine. Wow, we’re really having a good time !! We meet a lovely venezuelian/english family, have an endless chat, another ice cream and finally leave for the playground. At 21hrs we fall into our bunks and are sleeping like stones. Yeah, with the sleep that’s still an issue on longer cruises. Because of the watches we only have four hours of sleep during the night and to make up for that loss during the daytime is not always easy with the kids also requireing attention. But we’re working on that. Right now we look forward to a couple of nice weeks in spanish and portugese bays, a visit from Austria and nice, warm weather !

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 6 Comments

Landfall in Espana

We just arrived in La Coruna. More later – after a shower and some Tapas…

Posted in LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 2 Comments

[Sailing] [Rancho] Wo beginnt eigentlich die Barfussrute ?

Es ist Nacht und eben noch unterhalte ich mich via Kurzwelle mit Norbert, der uns von Berlin aus mit den Wetterdaten versorgt ueber das nicht vorhanden sein von Wind. Die restlichen LosLocos schlafen alle und ich baume die Genua aus um das bisschen vorhandenen Wind irgendwie in eine Vorwaertsbewegung umzuwandeln. Als ploetzlich eine Briese leicht von hinten zu saeuseln beginnt… So gleiten wir nun als Schmetterling nahezu lautlos mit ca. 4.5 Knoten ueber 4000m tiefem Wasser der spanischen Kueste entgegen und ich ziehe erst meine Segelschuhe und dann auch die Socken aus. ENDLICH ! Im T-SHIRT nachts im Cockpit sitzen und den regen Schiffsverkehr beobachten – das ist eine kleine Sensation. Wenn uns der Wind treu bleibt, sind wir morgen Mittag angekommen und haben unseren ersten Schlag ueber den Atlantik hinter uns. Und der war schoen. Wunderschoen ! Ja, so kann es weitergehen. So, jetzt aber mal wieder ein Rundumblick und die Waerme geniessen. Bis morgen !

Posted in Rancho Relaxo | 2 Comments

[Sailing] [Rancho] Delphine und Wale

Sind 170 Seemeilen vor LA Coruna und duempeln in totaler Flaute mit unserem Diesel dahin. Gestern haben wir uns mitten auf See mit der SY Tamora getroffen, die uns jede Menge Delphine ‘gebracht’ haben. Heute zwei Wale gesichtet. Die Kinder sind ausser sich. Hehehe. An der Angel war aber bisher noch nichts – obwohl die Kinder Stundenlang damit am Heck gesessen sind.

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[Sailing] [LosLocos]

Endlich geht’s voran. 105 Seemeilen der Biskaya liegen bereits hinter uns und noch knapp 400 vor uns. Zur Zeit haben wir wunderbares Wetter und traumhaften Wind mit Staerke 4 aus ENE. Wir fahren Schmetterling und machen ein wenig Meilen Richtung Westen gut. An das Geschaukel hab ich mich noch nicht so recht gewoehnt, jede Taetigkeit wird zur Anstrengung aber die Kinder finden’s furhtbar lustig. Also allen geht’s super und wir kommen flott voran. Die SY Tamora verfolgt uns mit etwa 20-30sm Abstand.

Posted in Rancho Relaxo | 2 Comments

The Bay of Biscay and shortwave

Well – well, the preparations are running…. And instead of stiching up our main sail, I’m sitting here in front of my gadgets and am hacking away on the keyboard. But not for nothing: Just yesterday I finally managed to digitally connect ourselfes via HAM radio – thanks for many hours of help from Norbert !! And just now I sent and received my first emails using modem and antenna – and without the internets !! That not only satisfies the nerd in me but is actually really handy for us. That way we can keep you informed by using emails to post on our blog and we can reveice digital weather information – even when we’re out on the Atlantic.

And that’s what it looks like when sending emails via HAM radio (strictly for nerds !):

As of now you can not only see our position in the little window to the right (the SPOT messages) But also via Shiptrak and the Winlink page.

What else to say ? Well the weather in the Bay of Biscay is so so. But we should make it in about five days to Spain, La Coruna. I think today in the evening we’ll put to sea. YAY !!

Posted in Amateur Radio, LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

The steelboat owners nightmare

The hose that empties the water from 0ur anchorchain box was clogged so I used a thin wire to try and make it run again.

And run it did !! But it was not through the hose as supposed but somehow the hose broke right underneath the outlet and all the rust/saltwater soup emptied itself into the bilge. From there it flushed down until midships. Everything covered in stinky rusty mess !!! *AAAAARRRHG*

Well I cleaned it up again, dried it, put my LAST drops of BOB onto some parts where there could develope rust. And then I set to work to put a new hose. Of course I had to deconstruct moste of the kids’s cabin to gain access but in the end it worked.

The next day I put a bigger screw in the back of the steering wheel because the old one we wouldn’t trust anymore; the thread nearly gone. Put the track for the reefing lines 20cm more towards the aft (the ones on the side of the boom), deflated the dinghy, put away the anchor chain – in short: We’re preparing for our first bluewater trip.

Tomorrow we’ll stitch up our mainsail as the new one was not delivered in time and we’ll have to sail those 600 miles with our 30 year old main. *rrr*

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They keep my feet dry and at the same time clean out all dirt from the bottom of the bilge: David’s Diapershoes (TM). Hehehe.

(Pre-scheduled post for less boredom.)

Posted in It's funny ! Laugh !, LosLocos, Sailing, Work | 1 Comment

Field day in Brixham

Too much wind to sail against it, we spend a surprisingly warm day in Brixham. We climb through a replica of the famous ‘Golden Hind’ – the ship in which Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world in 1577 – 1580. Amazing for me is that (a) this ship with it’s really tall body and small masts actually sails and (b) how they managed to fit more than 70 people into it. Really impressive. – And I’m actually really into that early journeys as I’m right now reading ‘James Cook – the journals’. An amazing book, although for non seagoing readers it might be a bit boring because of it’s lenghty descriptions of maneuvers, winds, etc.
Where was I – ah yeah, oru field day. After roaming the streets of Brixham for a little while, we decided to go to Berry Head where there is a little lighthous and a great view. So we spent the afternoon walking through beautiful woods and along the coast. Wonderful !

In the following picture you can see our next destination – Spain (veeeery far in the background). Hehehehe.

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Travel | 1 Comment

Rancho Relaxo – the Video (of the Solent)

Michael just sent us this great video he made during our last week’s trip through the solent. Uuuh, that really was a nice week. I’m gonna watch it again….

Posted in LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing, Video | 4 Comments

From Weymouth to Brixham

Yesterday we did the next hop and said good bye to Weymouth and it’s WiFi-less marina. The weather report is as always wrong and instead of having a smooth ride towards Falmouth with 2-3Bft, we have 4-5Bft and pretty ugly waves force us to do a detour towards Brixham. So we’ll save the passage to Falmouth for another day and wait for better weather in Brixham.
I say weather because with the wind, we already gave up. In the beginning we would still wait for a good wind to sail. After more than two months we now use any wind that is not too strong to gain a few miles to the west – even under engine. About 65 more miles to Falmouth and from then we *should* have the wind on our side – so to say. But as I watch the Bay of Biscay during the last days, it doesn’t seem that there are good winds there either. Hmmmm. Enough of the ranting…

Our friend Wolfgang just sent us an email with lots of corrections to our website. With his help the section about our ship will soon be nearly typo-free ! Yay ! (Well, at least the German version. ;-)

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In the Solent Part 2

Thursday we finally can hoist the sails again and we’re enjoying a wonderful trip through the ‘birthplace of sailing’. Via radio we listen a dramatic Mayday situation involving chopper, we see the Alinghy (although we don’t recognize her) and plenty of other racing yachts. We also come quite close to one of the last hovercrafts and have plenty of opportunities to practice the rules of way. There are more sailboats here than in the Kieler and Flensburger Foerde together. Hehehe. In the evening we put into Yarmouth – the oldest township on the Isle of Wight. A really lovely spot with plenty of nice pubs. (One main focus point as you can see ;-)

The next day – because there’s no suitable wind to continue – we’re using the afternoon for a little trip with our dinghy. We go up the River Yar and see some nice houses and an old church. In the evening it’s ‘harbour-cinema’ again. Because of the tide going in and out there are always quite chaotic maneuvers to be seen (ours not excluded). Quite before leaving we were actually crashed into by a smaller boat. Luckily we choose a steel ship – no harm done.

Friday we’re leaving the Solent and pass by the famous Needles – where we cheer with a nice Guinness. ;-) We sail nicely along the increasingly interesting coastline and while passing Anvil Point – we actually get our private flight show by the famous Rad Arrows ! In darkness we enter Weymouth, where we spend the night in front of the flap bridge that will open saturday at eight in the morning. We have fish & chips for a midnight snack and fall into bed. Early in the morning (for us it’s actually 7 o’clock, as we’re on UTC) – we enter the marina and see Michael to the train station. It was a wonderful week together with him – we really hope we’ll see each other earlier than when we return to Berlin.

And now I sit here typing away in the pub. The text that I’ve written earlier while on the ship, I now translated and put the pictures in order. In the harbour the internet costs 3,50 Punds PER HOUR (!!!!!!!) and that’s quite a normal tariff here. It’s really a punch in the face – especially since the marinas here are also impressingly expensive. Well, we’re gonna focus more on the Guinness and less on the internet. :-)

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 5 Comments

In the Solent Part 1

Together with Michael we leave Brighton and soon disappear in thick fog. Of course the wind also dissipates and so we steer towards Shoreham, because we don’t wanna motor through the fog. There we arrive quite in time to find our friends Silke and Dieter mooring their boat in front of the lock.

So we spend the evening chatting and using some remote WLAN to surf the net – thanks again to the LunaWLANnet antenna – it’s really amazing to have internet access in the middle of nowhere. And thanks to our on board WLAN, our friends get to use our connection while we spend the evening together. Late in the evening, the water is high enough an the lock opens and we can sail into the Lady Bee marina where we spend the night.

The next day we don’t have any wind, so we’re again using our engine to sail together with the SY Tamora towards the Solent. The best opportunity to put into harbour is in the entrance towards Chichester, where after motoring against a really strong current, we drop the anchor for the very first time since the beginning of our journey, two months ago. There’s a really nice and also interesting beach only two minutes away with the dinghy (rowing). The night is completely without wind and without the sound of nearby streets or cities.  Sweet dreams.

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Big price, small Internet

Gestern Nacht sind wir in Waymouth angekommen, nach einer wunderschoenen Woche, gemeinsam mit Michael und begleitet von der SY Tamora. Die Marinas hier sind sauteuer, haben aber meist kein Internet – und wenn, dann lassen die sich das auch nochmal heftig bezahlen. Grosses Update mit Bildern gibt’s also spaeter vom Pub aus. ;-)

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Towards the Solent !

Yeyeye. We said goodbye to Nina and hello to Michael. And now we’re preparing to leave Brighton to sail towards the Solent -”the birthplace of sailing”. The weather is fine and the beer in the fridge is cold. Off we go !!

Posted in LosLocos, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | Comments Off

Yeeeah !! Brighton !

After two months of cruising through autumn and winter – we finally found the summer ! It has hidden out in the south of England, it seems. So we’ve arrived here in one of England’s biggest marinas yesterday at 3 o’clock in the morning. We were quite surprised to find the sun shining into our bedroom in the morning. What an unusual sight ! We haven’t felt her warm nice rays for soo long.

Well we came here for two reasons. First: Bruno and Viola want to visit Lola and Darcey and we want to see their mother Nina. Second: Tomorrow we’ll pick up Michael to come with us for one week along Englands south coast. So hopefully the weather will last for a few days…

Ah. And while cruising to Brighton we crossed the meridian of Greenwitch which means, we are now in The West. And also we made our first 1000 nautical miles. 1050 now since we left Berlin to be precise.

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Crossed the channel !

Yesterday the time has come and we finally crossed over The Channel towards England. So now we’re in Dover and already planning to leave as we we’d like to spend the next days in Brighton.

The crossing was quite uneventful and the traffic not that much I think it was more near Cuxhaven, at the exit of the NOK. In Dover we parked the Rancho Relaxo in the Granville Docks and soon after found ourselves in a really nice Pub drinking a pint of Guinnes, eating chips and burgers and enjoying ourselves.

Posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

Summer – where are you ?!?

Yesterday we arrived in Dunkirque (France). I’ll spare you the pictures since this city is quite awful.

As is the weather. It’s windy and rainy, no sun and about 15 degrees. Another perfect summerday. If it wasn’t for our friend Michael who will visit us in England, I would start planning going directly to Spain. I CAN’T STAND THIS WEATHER ANYMORE !!!!!!!!!

Well in two hour’s the tide will be with us and we’ll be leaving the continent for Dover. Yay ! Guinness !!!

Posted in LosLocos, Observations, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 2 Comments

Dunkerque tomorrow… today we’re in Oostende

The plan was to go a little further but as so often, the weather report was not precise and the wind was SW instead of NW so we just went out to sea and immediately put into the next harbour to the west which was Oostende.

Tomorrow there’s gonna be little to no wind and maybe from a different direction. We’ll see… We might give it another try.

Posted in Rancho Relaxo, Sailing | 1 Comment

In Bruges

Today we used for a little excursion via bike. – And I CAN tell you: in Bruges it’s really as nice as people always say. Yes. Although the hordes of tourists and myriads of shops make it feel a little stressful after all those days out on the sea (ha, ha). But THE FOOD ! Waaaah ! Mussels in Beer sauce and Mousse de chocolate and Beer and Wind and…. Uuuuh ! I think I’d like to stay.

Also we should use the beach-tramway for a trip along the coast. It goes all the way from the Netherlands down to France and connects all those cities along the sea. For only 5 Euros one can go and hop on and off as one likes.  – Could – as we will actually put to sea again tomorrow. It will be the last day with a suitable wind and we want to use it for our leg towards Dunkerque in France. From there we’ll cross towards England. An although the trip will be short – roughly 35 seamiles – plenty of shallows and the tide will make it interesting enough.

Also we’ll use the stopover in France to replentish our stores with beautiful french wine, cheese and lots of other goodies. You know – we’ll soon enter the culinary desert and although I’ll survive on Guinnes and baked beans, my family has to bring something so stay alive. Hehehe.

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