Arrived in dumpling-country

After 1.5 days in the airplane and endless airport-security fun we finally landed and were greeted by my parents who picked us up at Munich airport. We filled the car with our bags and drove to Austria where my sister already was waiting with a big meal including the famous austrian dumplings. Mmmmmh.

Arrived in Munich after 36 hours of flightThe family back togetherIn the car, on the way to Austriaand arriving at my parent's house

While the grown-ups were a big jet lagged, the kids had endless fun with their cousins and the brand new bikes they got. Today we’ll be at my grandmother’s place for a different kind of dumplings (with apricot inside). Hehehe. Later more…

First thing in the morning: getting fresh berries from the gardenAnd the kids get long awaited bicycles !Viola forgot how to ride a bike...but we're getting there.


This entry was posted in Austria, Kids, Learning for life, LosLocos, Pics, Travel. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Arrived in dumpling-country

  1. Marco says:

    Welcome back to Europe!

  2. gunther says:

    willkommen daheim! für 36 stunden flug seht ihr eh total frisch aus! :-)
    so – und jetzt macht es euch mal gemütlich….

  3. mira says:

    hach, schön. schön, dass ihr euer reiseleben gesund und munter verbracht habt!!
    ich hoffe nach dem jetlag kommt nicht der kulturschock.
    ein gutes ankommen für euch!!
    vielleicht bis bald mal,