Four days in Tonga

And the only thing I remember is doing laundry, laundry and laundry. As we ‘wet’ the bed(s), we had to wash everything. Mattresses, covers, bed linens, cushions, clothes, towels and also some clothes. Well today I think, we dropped the last two bags off at the Coconut Cafe who do a great job getting all the salt out of our fabrics.

Local fishing vessel in Neiafu.Drying the mattresses and bed linenExploring the shoresideThe man in the sea. Or just a little blue starfish ? (Photo by Bruno)

Otherwise we’ve been strolling through the village, got fresh groceries from the fantastic little market down at the harbour, met maaaaany sailors we saw passing through in Moorea. Also we try to make a decision where to head next: Fiji or New Zealand ? Right now I’m looking for a taifun-safe mooring in Fiji. If we get one, we’ll be sailing west. Otherwise we will receive our guest in a few days, spend another few weeks in those magnificent little islands of Vava’u and it’s south to NZ. But we’ll see….
Tomorrow we’ll be leaving Neiafu to check out some of the fantastic anchorages here. Expect some jaw dropping pics of the most beautiful beaches of the south seas in a few days. (You’ve been warned !)

Oh, and that also means: No internet these next days….

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5 Responses to Four days in Tonga

  1. Elke Luger says:

    Wenn Ihr uns schon warnt, dass es schöne Bilder werden…. naja, Berlin, 7°C, Regen, auch romantisch, oder???
    Lieben Gruß von den Ösis, Elke und die Mannen

    • dafdaf says:

      7˚C ? Unvorstellbar. Nach ueber zwei Jahren in den Tropen frieren wir schon wenn ‘s Thermometer mal unter 26˚C geht. Wir sind definitiv zu Warmduschern geworden. (Auch wenn die letzte warme Dusche wohl auch >2 Jahre her ist. Hehehee)
      Liebe Gruesse nach Berlin !

  2. Johnny says:

    I really hope you make a visit to NZ too.
    Would love to see a video of a Maori haka here :-)

    The video of the storm sailing was impressive and frightening for a “land rat” like me!

  3. landgang says:

    Moin skip,
    drück doch wieder mal auf den gps marker – laut google route map seid Ihr naemlich noch kurz vor Tonga, grad hinter dem tiefen tiefen Graben.
    So very long,