Two years ago

Two years ago from today I was spending my last days in the office, most of my thoughts revolving around the still endless todo-list. The evenings and weekends were spent doing planning and preparation. It was a magic time. Images of lonely islands and adventures out on the sea in our heads. Mostly those pictures came from the many stories, blogs and books we read during that time. And although we read a lot – we still didn’t really know what it’s gonna be like. Two sailing-greenhorns on the oceans of the world ? Back then, when someone asked us about our destination, we meekly pointed towards the west.

Although the conception of our trip was not completely wrong, it still came a lot different than we thought. One and a half oceans later we wrecked our beloved Rancho Relaxo and are still in the process of settling in on the Suvarov. The paperwork is done and the austrian flag again decorates the back of the boat. Most of the work on the new boat is now finished.

The main problem right now is the Rancho. She’s still rusting away on a mooring in Taina Marina and costs money every month. Now that work on the coquito webshop is finished, we finally have time to put all the remaining stuff online for sale. And although we don’t try to have any illusions we still hope that we can find someone who wants to live on board the Rancho. Maybe even repair her and sail again… There’s still time. Gui’s visa will expire on the 30th of May and thus the date of our departure is set. A fact that I’m actually glad about because it’s really time we get away from here.

Not that I wouldn’t love these paradise-like islands and the wonderful polynesian people. But as everywhere there are also some downsides. Right now it’s the never healing wounds that drive me crazy. Even the smallest cut will get infected, swell up and take forever to heal. My ankle is showing a nice purple/black/red cut that has been there for a month now. Antibiotics and daily cleaning doesn’t seem to help much – it’s still swollen and hurts. This seems to be a general problem as most of the other sailors have had the same issues and the bodies of the lokal people also show remains of those cuts and bruises. The other thing I’m looking forward to is to finally visit some english speaking islands again and have better contact to the local people. An issue that is completely alien to our kids. Although they ‘only’ speak german, spanish and english, they have absolutely no problem communicating with the local kids. A fact that is best demonstrated by Viola who joined the local kindergarden a few days ago. She doesn’t mind at all that she has to get up before sunrise or that the other kids speak only tahitian and french. The only thing that counts is the many new friends she has and the new games she plays with them.

This entry was posted in Kids, Learning for life, LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing, Suvarov, Work. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Two years ago

  1. Nikola says:

    Ihr lieben! Ich hab mal wieder 2 Stunden lang in eurem Blog verbracht und mir eure Reise ab Panama ins Hirn geschoben. Innerhalb eines Jahres vergisst man ja so einiges. Wir nutzen soo gerne eure Erfahrungen, um sie in unsere Routenplanungen mit einfließen zu lassen! Bei uns ist ja Galapagos das näxte Ziel, aber vorher werden wir wahrscheinlich noch ein wenig in Panama bleiben, um doch noch Marcus Ellenbogen operieren zu lassen. Is irgendwie ein besseres Gefühl ohne Handicap loszusegeln… Ich wollt mich nochmal für euren Blog und eure so häufige Hilfe zu allen Fragen bedanken und auch für die vielen Emails, die ihr uns immer als Antworten, auf unsere gestellten Fragen schreibt. Davon erfahren die anderen Leser ja gar nix. Ein großes Big Up fliegt zu euch rüber! Ihr seid und bleibt unsere Helden!! Die Supermollis

    • dafdaf says:

      Hehehe. Das ist doch das allerbeste, wenn ihr auf diese Art einen
      direkten Nutzen aus unserer Website ziehen koennt.
      Und wir freuen uns immer, wenn wir Fragen beantworten koennen – nicht
      nur eure ! ;-)

      David & Co.

  2. Susanne Schimpel says:

    Juhu! Hatte schon deine Beitäge vermisst und die tägliche Dosis Sonne (und wenn auch nur auf Bildern)! Vielen Dank für die Erinnerungen…
    Wünsche euch baldigen, guten Start in den zweiten Teil eurer Reise!

  3. Gamsjäger Reinhard says:

    Wünschen euch aus Obertraun zum zweiten Teil eurer Weltumseglung

    alles Gute.

    Liebe Grüsse
    Elfriede und Reinhard

  4. Mario says:

    Hallo Los Locos,

    schön, wieder von Euch zu hören.
    Ich hoffe Du bist bald wieder fit und Eure Reise und die vielen schönen Berichte finden eine Fortsetzung!

    Gruß aus dem (immer noch) verschneiten Bayern

  5. Josef says:


    schoen wieder mal was zu lesen. Hab mal verglichen mit dem vorigen Jahr…
    Naja, wohl Zeitstress im Paradies?!
