After one month in Tahiti we finally did it and left ! The ship is packed with paint, tools and groceries and after breakfast we left together with the SY Red Sky Night towards the neighbour island of Moorea.
The anchorage at Maeva beach is known to be very calm but still we were surprised to find ourselfes in a force six after just a few minutes running north. We had to wait for a landing airplane at the airport of Faaa before we were able to continue our journey. After passing the runway we set sail in papeete harbour and left the island with the small genoa. The passage was very fast and quite pleasent. It really was a good thing to be on the move again after such a long time at anchor. Our joy was a bit shortened bya a mayday call from a polynesian yacht that hit the reef in the Passe Tareu – that’s the entrance to the Baie d’ Opunohu which was our goal !
A few hours later we were already sailing along the reef of Moorea and passed the gorgeous Baie d’ Cook. Only two miles further west lies our entrance and we could already see the wrecked yacht. I don’t know yet how this shipwreck happened as the pass is a few hundered meters wide and pretty much without current but maybe we’ll find out tomorrow.
Right now we enjoy the silence of this little bay – no city, no airport and only a handful of boats here. And our kids are on the neighbor boat so we have the Rancho Relaxo all for ourselves ! Yay !
der Eintrag ist ja unglaublich: “Wie das Segelschiff hier am Riff landen konnte, ist uns nicht klar – die Einfahrt ist mehrere hundert Meter breit und beinahe ohne Stroemung.”
self-fulfilling prophecy?
Tja, wie das Schiff (nicht unseres, das von Jean Claude auf Moorea) dann am Riff gelandet ist, wissen wir mittlerweile: Riffausfahrt unter Motor und genau in der Aussfahrt stoppte der Vortrieb. – Getriebe oder Problem mit Propeller, niemand weiss es. Es brauchte nur eine handvoll Wellen und die GFK-Yacht war am Riff und zerstoert.
Auch bei uns brauchte es nur 3-4 Wellen um auf der Riffkante zu landen. Nur Stahl bleibt halt ganz.
yes, only steel is real
oder so ähnlich!
Viel Glück!