We had an exciting sailing in the lee of the island with a mixture of calm and gusts that dropped down from the mountains. It took us three hours from the southern point to the anchorage, into which we had to tack against the wind. That was probably the most frightening sailing we had so far. It was pitch dark and we had to sail into the bay, crisscrossing in between the steep cliffs to the north and south until we could hear the waves smash against the rocks. But after five tacks we were in eight meters of water and dropped the anchor at 07:10UTC. We put fourty meters of chain, stowed the sails and had a beer in the dark.
Today in the morning everybody was freaking out, because the island and our anchorage is georgeous !! Step cliffs of lava rock, everything green and just breathtakingly beautiful ! After a nice, long breakfast we put the dinghy into the water, put the rain roof over the cockpit and now we’re waiting for the rain to stop so we can finally go towards shore and put our feet into the earth after 27.5 days at sea.
3037 miles are behind us and now we’re gonna RELAX and take it easy for a little while.
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Super! Geniesst es!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch !!!!!! Wir denken an euch. Liebste Grüße und Umarmungen an euch. Anna und Robert.
Hoch die Tassen! Wir beglückwünschen Euch in aller Form!
Wattn langer Schenkel!
Wir drücken euch alle fest.
Passt gut auf euch auf.
Eure Hitch-Hikers
lg von den Schoßleitner’s, gratuliere das ihr die Gewaltstour geschafft habt.
Congratulations Racing Ranchones! Take one more beer!
uiuiui ranchos, wir beneiden euch! hier und da schlägt es auch in bewunderung um.
einen monat auf see, für uns gerade annähernd unvorstellbar.
naja, mal sehen wie wir drüber denken, wenn wir die etappe zu den kap verden hinter uns gebracht haben.
alles liebe und tüten voll glück,
alle mollies