This has to be the most beautiful sailing trip we’ve ever had ! We say this a couple of times a day – and when we’re on the radio with the SY Kira, they also agree. The wind is perfect with a absolutely constant 4-5 Beaufort from NE and the sea is very calm. We sleep and eat well. The children are happy, reading books or are playing. We’ve got sunshine all day – I could go on forever… Right now we’re cruising with a speed of 6.5 knots, course 220. Yesterday’s daily log (Etmal) was 125 miles which is quite ok. And I wouldn’t even want to be faster as this would just mean more waves and constant holding on to not fall from the seat, etc. Well, I just wanted to let you know that we’re VERY fine out here… Now I’m gonna have a big breakfast.
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Super, wir beneiden Euch und hoffen auf gleich gute Bedingungen in einigen Tagen. Stellt schon mal nen Bier kalt.
Letzte Reparaturen auf La Gomera und dann segeln wir auch los. Wie geht das noch?
Tröstlich, dass es Euch ähnlich erging. Weiter sooo!! Herzliche Grüße an euch alle und die Kira. Wir freuen uns schon auf ein Wiedertreffen.
Ariane und Jens